Travelling turf – what is is about?

Travelling is probably familiar term to every one, but turf might be a mystery. And what do these mean together in this blog, will be explain in this text.

Full Definition of turf plural turfs play \ˈtərfs\ also turves play \ˈtərvz\

a : the upper stratum of soil bound by grass and plant roots into a thick mat; also : a piece of this
b : an artificial substitute for this (as on a playing field)
c : grass 3

a : peat 2
b : a piece of peat dried for fuel

a : a track or course for horse racing
b : the sport or business of horse racing

a : territory considered by a teenage gang to be under its control
b : territory 2 <have to play two of the last three games on hostile turf — Joe Klein> <in chapter two, the author is on unfamiliar turf>; also : a sphere of activity or influence <people who could hurt him on his own foreign-policy turf — Wall Street Journal>

by Merriam Webster in

So in this blog we discuss “my hoods” and the ground I’m working on, ie. travelling. Also a little bit of tourism in general as a soil where different trends, platforms, ideas and -isms grow.

Finland on the map

From the world’s perspective Finland, Scandinavia and Baltic Sea are somewhere in the edge of the world. I have heard several times that polar bears work on the streets of Helsinki, Finnish capital and that we live on agriculture and hunting.

Finland on the globe
Finland on the globe

It is also too often that people do not know where we are located or put us in Russia. I have even had a discussion with an American some years ago when I was travelling in London. This gentleman tried to convince me that I was brainwashed, when I was telling that Finland is an independent country.  He knew for a fact that we lived behind the iron curtain under Russian regime and cued for normal groceries and weared uniforms.

Iron curtain my donkey…. I thought that one was destroyed a couple of decades ago.

Travelling in Finland - scene from my home door
Autumn picture from my home door
My turf in this blog

So I decided to start a blog of the “wonders” here in Finland and in Baltic area. Being a mother and a teacher with full time job, I do not have time nor money to travel around the world every week/month, so I try to share the experiences of my kind.  Now, with COVID-19 the local trips and domestic travelling is getting ever more important, so this blog also enhances that thinking.

What happens in the northern parts of Europe – mostly in Finland – what is worth to see, what have I or my family enjoyed or hated?

Naturally, I won’t exclude any other destinations and try to share my experiences from them, also from the past years. Anything goes, because I yearn for new experiences and travelling. Especially autumn and winter in Finland are dark, cold and long – not always nice orange or blue as in pictures presented here. They are actually taken from my front porch .

Winter at home
Winter at home

And yes, you will probably notice, that I am the bad as.. I mean donkey, critique.